Do you like Italy? Do you like castles? If you answered yes to either of those questions (and if you didn't -- seriously?), you'll probably be into the gorgeous Castello di Monterone in the rolling hills of Umbria. This 13th-century castle has an impressive degree of preserved medieval character, and offers a romantic setting for a true getaway. One of our Italian investigators only just visited this stunning property, and we spent quite a while ogling it in the office. You can expect gorgeous stonework, breathtaking views, battlements, and even a suit of armor (of course -- this is a castle, in case we didn't make that crystal clear). It's almost hard to believe that these insanely beautiful photos are not remotely Photoshopped (if you're new here, that's kind of Oyster's whole thing). Just be careful not to drool on your keyboard. Pinners, get ready.
-- Kelsey Blodget,

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